Brands, Start-Ups, MSMEs’, Management
Management Consulting in the 21st Century requires Rapid, Swift and Quick Solutions. Here, we have designed Consulting Programs By the Hour. Enterprise and Organization heads and leaders can consult with us for quick solutions on an hourly basis.
Consulting would involve an indepth involvement in your Business Planning and would include understanding your Business, Market, Operations, Budgets and Profit aspects on one hand and Vision and Purpose on the other.
The broad areas covered are:
- Brand Consulting
- Start-Up Consulting
- Micro, Small & Medium Consulting
- Management Consulting
Based on your experience you can repeat the Consulting programs or Scale up to:
- Issue Based – To sort a Specific Issue faced by your organization.
- Monthly Consulting – From 1 to 3 months to address your entire years plans.
- Yearly Consulting – Yearly commitment from Concept, Planning, Monitoring, Supervision and Assessments.
All the above programs would be Online on Mails, Video Apps, Messaging and Telephonic platforms.
You can also book an hourly session.
Call us on +91 9223466218 or email us on rv@rakeshvanarse.com.